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New Agnw-X23!

New Agnw-X23!

Jan-21-2020 | ACS MATERIAL LLC

ACS Material is happy to introduce the newest addition to our Silver Nanowire series: Agnw-X23

Our X23 Silver Nanowire is an industrial scale product available in bulk quantities. Agnw-X23 is perfect for producing Transparent Conductive Film (TCF) and it is the main raw material used in our very own Graphene/Silver Nanowire Composite Transparent Conductive Film. For additional categories of Silver Nanowire including high aspect-ratio (Agnw-L30 & Agnw-L50) and other Ultra-Long Length (100-200μm) types, please refer to the chart on our Silver Nanowire product page. To speak to an ACS team member about your particular application needs, contact us today!