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Mechanically Exfoliated Single Crystal Graphene on SiO2/Si (SiO2: 90nm thick)

As low as $822.00 $0.00
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SKU# GMS00000

Single Crystal Graphene by Mechanical Exfoliation Method on SiO2/Si

Product Detail

People turn to graphene because it’s widely abundant and can be produced in mass qualities. Exfoliating graphene is one way that manufacturers are able to achieve large-scale production of graphene that doesn’t cost them a fortune. Mechanically exfoliated crystal graphene on SiO2/Si is produced through a meticulous exfoliation technique that ensures the final graphene product is of the highest quality. Mechanically exfoliated crystal graphene is typically used to fabricate two-dimensional materials, many of which are used to create optoelectronic and electronic devices. ACS Material combines our years of experience with our intrinsic knowledge of graphene applications, ensuring any product you purchase from us will be sure to serve you well.

CAS # 7782-42-5

1. Preparation Method

Mechanical Exfoliation method


2. Characterizations

Graphene Layer:

Monolayer, Single Crystal

Bilayer, Single Crystal


SiO2 / Si

SiO2 / Si

Substrate size:

1 cm x 1 cm

1.5cm x 1.5cm

2cm x 2cm

1 cm x 1 cm

1.5cm x 1.5cm

2cm x 2cm

Thickness of SiO2:

90 nm

 90 nm

Thickness of Si:



Graphene Area:

>5000 µm2

 >5000 µm2


ME Single Crystal 1-layer graphene on SiO2/Si 

Typical Image of ACS Material Mechanically Exfoliated Single Crystal Monolayer Graphene on 90nm SiO2

ME Single Crystal 2-layer graphene on SiO2/Si

Typical Image of ACS Material Mechanically Exfoliated Single Crystal Bilayer Graphene on 90nm SiO2


 3. Application Fields

Gas-sensitive materials, electronic displays, composite materials and more.


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1. What is the source material of this product?


Natural graphite is the source material of our Mechanically Exfoliated Single Crystal Graphene on SiO2/Si.